Monday, February 13, 2012

Cabinet doors

After painting the edges sage green, letting them dry for a day, then taping them off with painters tape, and applying drywall/joint compound to the middle, (removing the tape immediately before compound dries), and doodling a pattern that pleased me into the compound, I started playing with the paint finish.
I painted the swirly patterned compound in a very light sage green and after letting it dry, I went over it with the same dark sage green that I had used on the edges of the doors, using a dry brushing technique and a rather small brush. That didn't turn out well. The brush covered to much of the non-raised areas with the dark green, leaving blotchy and messy looking. Therefore I used a bigger and wider brush and tried again.
That was better. Still not pleased, I applied a layer of HIGH GLOSS Polyurethane, knowing that it would pool over the SEMI GLOSS Latex Paint. After letting this dry for several days, I used the soft/yellow side of a damp kitchen sponge and dipped just the edge of the sponge into the light sage green, and rubbed it all over the door. Then I repeated the process with the dark sage green, which gave me the desired effect. The 'pooled'
HIGH GLOSS showed up in three different colors. Dark green where the HIGH GLOSS coat covered, light green in the pooled, and a medium green in the pooled areas. Last touch is putting on new knobs and "Voila," a pretty new face lift for old beat-up cabinet doors.
I still have to put the old hinges on (which do not look pretty nor match), until I have the budget for new ones, that is, if I can find some that I like.

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